336 Exercícios em Inglês para Iniciante.

336 Exercícios em Inglês para Iniciante

Em um mundo cada vez mais globalizado e conectado, o domínio da língua inglesa tornou-se uma habilidade essencial e altamente valorizada. Seja na esfera profissional, nas viagens internacionais ou no acesso a uma vasta quantidade de informações e culturas, o inglês desempenha um papel crucial.

Nesta era de interações internacionais e avanços tecnológicos, aprender inglês não é apenas uma opção, mas sim uma necessidade premente para indivíduos que desejam se destacar e se comunicar efetivamente em diversos contextos.

Neste sentido, entender os motivos pelos quais estudar inglês é fundamental se torna imprescindível para aqueles que buscam expandir seus horizontes e alcançar o sucesso em um mundo cada vez mais interligado.

1)- Domine o inglês e tenha acesso a um mundo de conhecimento e oportunidades. Comunique-se globalmente e se destaque no mercado.

2)- Fluência em inglês abre portas para carreiras internacionais, networking global e intercâmbios culturais enriquecedores.

3)- Viaje com facilidade, explore novas culturas e aproveite experiências únicas com o poder do inglês como seu aliado.

4)- Aprenda inglês para expandir seu potencial cognitivo, melhorar sua comunicação e impulsionar sua habilidade de resolver problemas.

5)- Descubra novas perspectivas, amplie sua rede de contatos e valorize sua cultura ao dominar a língua universal dos negócios e da comunicação.

6)- Lembre-se de que a persuasão é uma habilidade importante ao apresentar argumentos, e essas frases tentam convencer de forma positiva e impactante os benefícios de estudar inglês. O inglês é realmente uma ferramenta poderosa que pode abrir portas e proporcionar uma série de vantagens para quem o domina.

Exercícios Inglês Básico

Vamos Estudar?

1) Choose the correct spelling:
a) Fren
b) Friend
c) Frend

2) Which sentence is in the present tense?
a) I played soccer yesterday.
b) She will eat lunch soon.
c) They dance every Saturday.

3) What does “cat” mean?
a) Gato
b) Perro
c) Pez

4) Select the correct plural form of “book”:
a) Bookies
b) Books
c) Bookes

5) Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What is your name?
b) You have a dog?
c) She is going where?

6) What’s the opposite of “big”?
a) Huge
b) Small
c) Tall

7) Choose the correct translation for “thank you”:
a) Gracias
b) Merci
c) Thanks

8) Which sentence is in the past tense?
a) He writes a letter.
b) They are singing a song.
c) She cooked dinner.

9) What does “apple” mean?
a) Banana
b) Pear
c) Manzana

10) Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

11) What’s the correct form of the verb “to be” in the sentence “I __ a student”?
a) am
b) is
c) are

12) Choose the correct translation for “good night”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

13) What does “red” mean?
a) Azul
b) Rojo
c) Verde

14) Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dogs’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dog’s

15) Which sentence is in the future tense?
a) She eats breakfast every day.
b) They will watch a movie tonight.
c) He played soccer yesterday.

16) What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

17) Choose the correct translation for “please”:
a) Por favor
b) S’il vous plaît
c) Plis

18) What does “sun” mean?
a) Sol
b) Luna
c) Estrella

19) Select the correct plural form of “tomato”:
a) Tomatoes
b) Tomatos
c) Tomatoe

20) What’s the correct form of the verb “to have” in the sentence “She __ a cat”?
a) have
b) has
c) had

21) Choose the correct translation for “goodbye”:
a) Hola
b) Adiós
c) Bienvenido

22) What does “water” mean?
a) Agua
b) Fuego
c) Tierra

23) Select the correct possessive form of “girl”:
a) Girl’s
b) Girls’s
c) Girls’

24) Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You like ice cream?
b) What your name is?
c) Are they going home?

25) What’s the opposite of “tall”?
a) Short
b) Long
c) High

26) Choose the correct translation for “dog”:
a) Chien
b) Chat
c) Chien

27) What does “two” mean?
a) Uno
b) Tres
c) Dos

28) Select the correct plural form of “box”:
a) Boxen
b) Boxs
c) Boxes

29) What’s the correct form of the verb “to do” in the sentence “He __ his homework”?
a) do
b) does
c) did

30) What is the correct translation for “good morning”?
a) Buenas tardes
b) Bonjour
c) Good night

31) Choose the correct spelling:
a) Appel
b) Aple
c) Apple

32) Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) They will go to the beach tomorrow.
b) She is reading a book now.
c) He played soccer yesterday.

33) What does “car” mean?
a) Coche
b) Tren
c) Barco

34) Select the correct plural form of “baby”:
a) Babies
b) Babys
c) Babyes

35) Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What you like?
b) Do you like pizza?
c) You likes pizza?

36) What’s the opposite of “fast”?
a) Slow
b) Quick
c) Speedy

37) Choose the correct translation for “how are you?”:
a) Comment ça va?
b) Coomo estás?
c) Wie geht es Ihnen?

38) What does “book” mean?
a) Televisión
b) Libro
c) Computadora

39) Select the correct possessive form of “boy”:
a) Boys’s
b) Boys’
c) Boy’s

40) What’s the correct form of the verb “to go” in the sentence “We __ to school”?
a) go
b) goes
c) went

41) Choose the correct translation for “thank you very much”:
a) Muchas gracias
b) Merci beaucoup
c) Muito obrigado

42) What does “blue” mean? a) Amarillo
b) Azul
c) Morado

43) Select the correct plural form of “child”: a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

44) Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?

a) They are going to the park later.
b) She was playing the piano yesterday.
c) He plays basketball every Sunday.

45) What’s the opposite of “happy”?
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Content

46) Choose the correct translation for “excuse me”:
a) Perdón
b) Excusez-moi
c) Desculpe-me

47) What does “table” mean?
a) Silla
b) Mesa
c) Sofá

48) Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’

49- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What is you doing?
b) Is she coming?
c) They is happy?

50- What’s the opposite of “young”?
a) New
b) Old
c) Fresh

51- Choose the correct translation for “cat”:
a) Chien
b) Chat
c) Cheval

52- What does “four” mean?
a) Cuatro
b) Tres
c) Cinco

53- Select the correct plural form of “box”:
a) Boxen
b) Boxs
c) Boxes

54- What’s the correct form of the verb “to eat” in the sentence “She __ lunch”?
a) eat
b) eats
c) ate

55- Choose the correct translation for “good evening”:
a) Buenas tardes
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

56- What does “sun” mean?
a) Sol
b) Luna
c) Estrella

57- Select the correct possessive form of “girl”:
a) Girl’s
b) Girls’s
c) Girls’

58- Which sentence is in the future continuous tense?
a) I am reading a book now.
b) They will be sleeping at midnight.
c) She danced at the party last night.

59- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

60- What is the correct translation for “good afternoon”?
a) Buenas noches
b) Bon après-midi
c) Good morning

61- Choose the correct spelling:
a) Bana
b) Banana
c) Bananna

62- Which sentence is in the simple past tense?
a) They are going to the store now.
b) She will sing at the concert tomorrow.
c) He played soccer yesterday.

63- What does “bird” mean?
a) Pájaro
b) Pez
c) Gato

64- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

65- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) How many years do you have?
b) Do you have a dog?
c) You have a dog?

66- What’s the opposite of “easy”?
a) Simple
b) Difficult
c) Hard

67- Choose the correct translation for “goodbye”:
a) Hola
b) Adiós
c) Bienvenido

68- What does “house” mean?
a) Coche
b) Casa
c) Barco

69- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

70- What’s the correct form of the verb “to write” in the sentence “I __ a letter”?
a) write
b) writes
c) wrote

71- Choose the correct translation for “please”:
a) Por favor
b) S’il vous plaît
c) Plis

72- What does “green” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Verde
c) Morado

73- Select the correct plural form of “fox”:
a) Foxes
b) Foxs
c) Foxen

74- Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
a) I will visit my grandparents tomorrow.
b) She has already finished her homework.
c) They danced at the party last night.

75- What’s the opposite of “sad”?
a) Happy
b) Angry
c) Upset

76- Choose the correct translation for “excuse me”:
a) Perdón
b) Excusez-moi
c) Desculpe-me

77- What does “tree” mean?
a) Silla
b) Árbol
c) Sofá

78- Select the correct possessive form of “teacher”:
a) Teachers’s
b) Teachers’
c) Teacher’s

79- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) Where is the bathroom?
b) You is hungry?
c) What you like?

80- What’s the opposite of “old”?
a) New
b) Young
c) Aged

81- Choose the correct translation for “horse”:
a) Chien
b) Chat
c) Cheval

82- What does “five” mean?
a) Cuatro
b) Tres
c) Cinco

83- Select the correct plural form of “knife”:
a) Knifes
b) Knives
c) Knifs

84- What’s the correct form of the verb “to drink” in the sentence “He __ water”?
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank

85- Choose the correct translation for “good evening”:
a) Buenas tardes
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

86- What does “moon” mean? a) Sol
b) Luna
c) Estrella

87- Select the correct possessive form of “boy”:
a) Boys’s
b) Boys’
c) Boy’s

88- Which sentence is in the future perfect tense?
a) I am studying for the exam now.
b) She will finish the project tomorrow.
c) They will have completed the task by then.

89- What’s the opposite of “wet”?
a) Dry
b) Damp
c) Moist

90- Choose the correct translation for “umbrella”:
a) Paraguas
b) Sombrero
c) Bufanda

91- What does “orange” mean?
a) Naranja
b) Amarillo
c) Verde

92- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

93- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What your name is?
b) Are you coming to the party?
c) You come to the party?

94- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

95- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

96- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

97- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

98- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

99- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

100- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

101- What’s the opposite of “long”?
a) Short
b) Tall
c) Lengthy

102- Choose the correct translation for “car”:
a) Coche
b) Tren
c) Avión

103- What does “yellow” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Rojo
c) Azul

104- Select the correct plural form of “box”:
a) Boxen
b) Boxs
c) Boxes

105- Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?
a) They are going to the beach tomorrow.
b) She was playing the piano yesterday.
c) He plays basketball every Sunday.

106- What’s the opposite of “big”?
a) Huge
b) Small
c) Large

107- Choose the correct translation for “how are you?”:
a) Comment ça va?
b) ¿Cómo estás?
c) Wie geht es Ihnen?

108- What does “book” mean?
a) Televisión
b) Libro
c) Computadora

109- Select the correct possessive form of “boy”:
a) Boys’s
b) Boys’
c) Boy’s

110- What’s the correct form of the verb “to go” in the sentence “We __ to school”?
a) go
b) goes
c) went

111- Choose the correct translation for “thank you very much”:
a) Muchas gracias
b) Merci beaucoup
c) Muito obrigado

112- What does “blue” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Azul
c) Morado

113- Select the correct plural form of “mouse”:
a) Mouses
b) Mice
c) Mices

114- Which sentence is in the present perfect continuous tense?
a) I will study for the exam later.
b) She has been working on the project all day.
c) They went to the zoo last week.

115- What’s the opposite of “angry”?
a) Happy
b) Sad
c) Calm

116- Choose the correct translation for “please”:
a) Por favor
b) S’il vous plaît
c) Plis

117- What does “green” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Verde
c) Morado

118- Select the correct plural form of “fox”:
a) Foxes
b) Foxs
c) Foxen

119- Which sentence is in the future perfect continuous tense?
a) I am reading a book now.
b) She will have finished the book by tomorrow.
c) They were watching a movie last night.

120- What’s the opposite of “tired”?
a) Rested
b) Sleepy
c) Exhausted

121- Choose the correct translation for “umbrella”:
a) Paraguas
b) Sombrero
c) Bufanda

122- What does “orange” mean?
a) Naranja
b) Amarillo
c) Verde

123- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

124- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What your name is?
b) Are you coming to the party?
c) You come to the party?

125- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

126- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

127- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

128- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

129- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

130- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

131- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

132- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

133- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

134- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

135- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

136- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

137- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

138- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

139- Choose the correct translation for “car”:
a) Coche
b) Tren
c) Avión

140- What does “yellow” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Rojo
c) Azul

141- Select the correct plural form of “box”:
a) Boxen
b) Boxs
c) Boxes

142- Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?
a) They are going to the beach tomorrow.
b) She was playing the piano yesterday.
c) He plays basketball every Sunday.

143- What’s the opposite of “big”?
a) Huge
b) Small
c) Large

144- Choose the correct translation for “how are you?”:
a) Comment ça va?
b) ¿Cómo estás?
c) Wie geht es Ihnen

145- Choose the correct spelling:
a) Cat
b) Catt
c) Kat

146- What does “dog” mean?
a) Cachorro
b) Gato
c) Pássaro

147- Select the correct plural form of “day”:
a) Dayes
b) Days
c) Dayies

148- Which sentence is in the simple present tense?
a) I will eat lunch later.
b) She is sleeping right now.
c) They played soccer yesterday.

149- What’s the opposite of “clean”?
a) Dirty
b) Tidy
c) Neat

150- Choose the correct translation for “good night”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

151- What does “bird” mean?
a) Pájaro
b) Pez
c) Gato

152- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

153- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) How you are?
b) Are you okay?
c) You okay are?

154- What’s the opposite of “fast”?
a) Slow
b) Quick
c) Speedy

155- Choose the correct translation for “how are you?”:
a) Comment ça va?
b) ¿Cómo estás?
c) Wie geht es Ihnen?

156- What does “book” mean?
a) Televisión
b) Libro
c) Computadora

157- Select the correct possessive form of “boy”:
a) Boys’s
b) Boys’
c) Boy’s

158- Which sentence is in the past tense?
a) He writes a letter.
b) They are singing a song.
c) She cooked dinner.

159- What’s the opposite of “happy”?
a) Sad
b) Joyful
c) Content

160- Choose the correct translation for “excuse me”:
a) Perdón
b) Excusez-moi
c) Desculpe-me

161- What does “green” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Verde
c) Morado

162- Select the correct plural form of “mouse”:
a) Mouses
b) Mice
c) Mices

163- Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
a) I will visit my grandparents tomorrow.
b) She has already finished her homework.
c) They danced at the party last night.

164- What’s the opposite of “sad”?
a) Happy
b) Angry
c) Upset

165- Choose the correct translation for “excuse me”:
a) Perdón
b) Excusez-moi
c) Desculpe-me

166- What does “tree” mean?
a) Silla
b) Árbol
c) Sofá

167- Select the correct possessive form of “teacher”:
}a) Teachers’s
b) Teachers’
c) Teacher’s

168- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) Where is the bathroom?
b) You is hungry?
c) What you like?

169- What’s the opposite of “young”?
a) New
b) Old
c) Fresh

170- Choose the correct translation for “horse”:
a) Chien
b) Chat
c) Cheval

171- What does “five” mean?
a) Cuatro
b) Tres
c) Cinco

172- Select the correct plural form of “knife”:
a) Knifes
b) Knives
c) Knifs

173- What’s the correct form of the verb “to drink” in the sentence “He __ water”?
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank

174- Choose the correct translation for “good evening”:
a) Buenas tardes
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

175- What does “moon” mean?
a) Sol
b) Luna
c) Estrella

176- Select the correct possessive form of “girl”:
a) Girl’s
b) Girls’s
c) Girls’

177- Which sentence is in the future perfect tense?
a) I am studying for the exam now.
b) She will finish the project tomorrow.
c) They will have completed the task by then.

178- What’s the opposite of “wet”?
a) Dry
b) Damp
c) Moist

179- Choose the correct translation for “umbrella”:
a) Paraguas
b) Sombrero
c) Bufanda

180- What does “orange” mean?
a) Naranja
b) Amarillo
c) Verde

181- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

182- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What your name is?
b) Are you coming to the party?
c) You come to the party?

183- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

184- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

185- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

186- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

187- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

188- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

189- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

190- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:

a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

191- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

192- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

193- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

194- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

195- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

196- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

197- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

198- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

199- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

200- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

201- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

202- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

203- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

204- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

205- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

206- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

207- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

208- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

209- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

210- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

211- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

212- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

213- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

214- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

215- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

216- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

217- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

218- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

219- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

220- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

221- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

222- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

223- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

224- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

225- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

226- Choose the correct translation for “book”: a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

227- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

228- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

229- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

230- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

231- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

232- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

233- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

234- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

235- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

236- What does “school” mean?

a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

237- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies

238- Choose the correct translation for “carrot”:
a) Zanahoria
b) Tomate
c) Lechuga

239- What does “red” mean?
a) Rojo
b) Verde
c) Amarillo

240- Select the correct plural form of “box”:
a) Boxen
b) Boxs
c) Boxes

241- Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
a) I will eat lunch later.
b) She is sleeping right now.
c) They played soccer yesterday.

242- What’s the opposite of “small”?
a) Large
b) Tiny
c) Short

243- Choose the correct translation for “how are you?”:
a) Comment ça va?
b) ¿Cómo estás?
c) Wie geht es Ihnen?

244- What does “dog” mean?
a) Cachorro
b) Gato
c) Pássaro

245- Select the correct plural form of “day”:
a) Dayes
b) Days
c) Dayies

246- Which sentence is in the simple present tense?
a) I will eat lunch later.
b) She is sleeping right now.
c) They played soccer yesterday.

247- What’s the opposite of “clean”?
a) Dirty
b) Tidy
c) Neat

248- Choose the correct translation for “good night”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

249- What does “bird” mean?
a) Pájaro
b) Pez
c) Gato

250- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

251- What’s the correct form of the verb “to go” in the sentence “We __ to school”?
a) go
b) goes
c) went

252- Choose the correct translation for “thank you very much”:
a) Muchas gracias
b) Merci beaucoup
c) Muito obrigado

253- What does “blue” mean?
a) Amarillo
b) Azul
c) Morado

254- Select the correct plural form of “mouse”:
a) Mouses
b) Mice
c) Mices

255- Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?
a) I will visit my grandparents tomorrow.
b) She has already finished her homework.
c) They danced at the party last night.

256- What’s the opposite of “sad”?
a) Happy
b) Angry
c) Upset

257- Choose the correct translation for “excuse me”:
a) Perdón
b) Excusez-moi
c) Desculpe-me

258- What does “tree” mean?
a) Silla
b) Árbol
c) Sofá

259- Select the correct possessive form of “teacher”:
a) Teachers’s
b) Teachers’
c) Teacher’s

260- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) Where is the bathroom?
b) You is hungry?
c) What you like?

261- What’s the opposite of “young”?
a) New
b) Old
c) Fresh

262- Choose the correct translation for “horse”:
a) Chien
b) Chat
c) Cheval

263- What does “five” mean?
a) Cuatro
b) Tres
c) Cinco

264- Select the correct plural form of “knife”:
a) Knifes
b) Knives
c) Knifs

265- What’s the correct form of the verb “to drink” in the sentence “He __ water”?
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank

266- Choose the correct translation for “good evening”:
a) Buenas tardes
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

267- What does “moon” mean?
a) Sol
b) Luna
c) Estrella

268- Select the correct possessive form of “girl”:
a) Girl’s
b) Girls’s
c) Girls’

269- Which sentence is in the future perfect tense?
a) I am studying for the exam now.
b) She will finish the project tomorrow.
c) They will have completed the task by then.

270- What’s the opposite of “wet”?
a) Dry
b) Damp
c) Moist

271- Choose the correct translation for “umbrella”:
a) Paraguas
b) Sombrero
c) Bufanda

272- What does “orange” mean?
a) Naranja
b) Amarillo
c) Verde

273- Select the correct plural form of “child”:
a) Childs
b) Childes
c) Children

274- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) What your name is?
b) Are you coming to the party?
c) You come to the party?

275- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

276- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

277- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

278- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

279- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

280- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

281- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

282- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

283- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

284- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

285- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

286- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

287- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

288- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

289- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

290- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

291- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

292- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

293- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

294- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

295- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

296- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

297- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

298- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

299- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

300- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

301- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

302- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

303- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

304- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

305- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

306- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

307- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

308- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

309- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

310- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

311- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

312- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

313- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

314- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

315- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

316- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

317- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

318- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

319- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

320- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

321- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

322- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c) Good morning

323- What does “river” mean?
a) Río
b) Montaña
c) Lago

324- Select the correct possessive form of “dog”:
a) Dog’s
b) Dogs’
c) Dogs’s

325- Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?
a) She sings in the choir.
b) They had already left when we arrived.
c) He will finish the project tomorrow.

326- What’s the opposite of “hot”?
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Cool

327- Choose the correct translation for “happy”:
a) Triste
b) Feliz
c) Enojado

328- What does “school” mean?
a) Coche
b) Escuela
c) Barco

329- Select the correct possessive form of “baby”:
a) Baby’s
b) Babies’
c) Babies’s

330- Which question is formed correctly in English?
a) You are going to the party?
b) Are you going to the party?
c) You going to the party?

331- What’s the opposite of “strong”?
a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy

332- Choose the correct translation for “book”:
a) Libro
b) Pelota
c) Zapato

333- What does “six” mean?
a) Seis
b) Cinco
c) Siete

334- Select the correct plural form of “tooth”:
a) Teeths
b) Tooths
c) Teeth

335- What’s the correct form of the verb “to run” in the sentence “They __ in the park”?
a) run
b) runs
c) ran

336- Choose the correct translation for “goodnight”:
a) Buenas noches
b) Bonne nuit
c)Boa Noite


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