Atividades com should e os principais verbos modais em inglês.


Should e os verbos modais em inglês desempenham um papel crucial na construção da estrutura e significado de frases em um contexto. Eles adicionam nuances e permitem uma maior expressividade no idioma. Neste artigo, focaremos em uma abordagem profunda sobre o uso de “Should” e uma revisão dos principais verbos modais em inglês.

Should e Shouldn’t

Should é um verbo modal que sugere uma recomendação, um conselho ou uma opinião sobre algo. Vamos examinar o seu uso com maior profundidade.

  • Uso em Sentenças Afirmativas:
    • Você should be punctual para a reunião.
      (Você deveria ser pontual para a reunião.)
  • Uso em Sentenças Negativas:
    • Ele shouldn’t eat so much sugar.
      (Ele não deveria comer tanto açúcar.)

Os Principais Verbos Modais em inglês

Can indica capacidade ou permissão.
Afirmativa: She can swim very well (Ela pode nadar muito bem)
Negativa: He can’t speak Spanish (Ele não pode falar espanhol)

Could indica uma habilidade passada ou uma possibilidade.
Afirmativa: I could run fast when I was young (Eu conseguia correr rápido quando era jovem)
Negativa: They couldn’t come to the party (Eles não puderam vir à festa)

May expressa permissão ou possibilidade.
Afirmativa: You may borrow my book (Você pode pegar emprestado meu livro)
Negativa: She may not understand the instructions (Ela pode não entender as instruções)

Might é similar a “may”, mas indica uma possibilidade mais remota.
Afirmativa: It might rain later (Pode chover mais tarde)
Negativa: He might not come tomorrow (Ele pode não vir amanhã)

Must indica obrigatoriedade ou certeza.
Afirmativa: You must wear a seatbelt (Você deve usar um cinto de segurança)
Negativa: She mustn’t smoke here (Ela não deve fumar aqui)

Would expressa uma ação condicional ou desejo.
Afirmativa: I would visit Paris if I had the chance (Eu visitaria Paris se tivesse a chance)
Negativa: They wouldn’t go without their friends (Eles não iriam sem seus amigos)

Whom usado para se referir a pessoas em perguntas.
Afirmativa: Whom did you meet at the party (Com quem você encontrou na festa)
Negativa: Whom did she call yesterday (Com quem ela ligou ontem)

Shall expressa proposta ou sugestão.
Afirmativa: Shall we go to the movies tonight (Vamos ao cinema hoje à noite)
Negativa: They shall not pass this exam without studying (Eles não passarão neste exame sem estudar)

Ought to indica uma sugestão ou obrigação.
Afirmativa: You ought to apologize for your behavior (Você deveria se desculpar pelo seu comportamento)
Negativa: She ought not to stay up late (Ela não deveria ficar acordada até tarde)

Need indica necessidade.
Afirmativa: You need to finish your homework (Você precisa terminar sua lição de casa)
Negativa: They needn’t worry about the test (Eles não precisam se preocupar com o teste)

Atividade com should e should not.

Complete as frases abaixo usando “should”.

  1. If you want to stay healthy, you __________ eat more fruits and vegetables.
  2. She’s always tired. Maybe she __________ get more sleep at night.
  3. I’m not sure about this decision. You __________ think it over before making a choice.
  4. They’re going on a hike tomorrow. They __________ wear comfortable shoes.
  5. If it rains, we __________ bring an umbrella.
  6. I have a headache. You __________take some medicine for it.
  7. He’s having trouble with math. He __________ ask the teacher for help.
  8. It’s cold outside. You __________wear a jacket.
  9. The movie starts at 8 PM. We __________ leave soon to get there on time.
  10. If they want to succeed in the competition, they __________ practice more.

Atividades para praticar whom em perguntas.

Complete as perguntas abaixo usando “whom”

  1. __ did you invite to the party last night?
  2. To __ are you referring when you talk about the incident?
  3. With __ did she go to the concert?
  4. To __ did she give the gift?
  5. About __ are you talking?
  6. From __ did you borrow that book?
  7. For __ is this present intended?
  8. __ did you see at the movie theater yesterday?
  9. With __ did you discuss the project details?
  10. __ did she call after the meeting?

Atividades com could para completar.

  1. When I was a child, I __________ swim very well.
  2. I’m not sure if I __________ attend the meeting tomorrow.
  3. __________ you pass me the salt, please?
  4. If she studied harder, she __________ get better grades.
  5. __________ you help me with this problem?
  6. They weren’t sure if they __________ finish the project on time.
  7. __________ you speak French when you lived in Paris?
  8. I wish I __________ join you for dinner tonight.
  9. __________ we meet at the café at 3 PM?
  10. If he practiced more, he __________ play the guitar beautifully.

Complete as frases abaixo usando “May”.

  1. It looks like it __________ rain later this evening.
  2. __________ I use your phone to make a quick call?
  3. She’s feeling unwell; she __________ need to see a doctor.
  4. __________ I come in? I have some news to share.
  5. If they arrive early, they __________ have time to visit the museum.
  6. __________ I ask you a personal question?
  7. Be careful with the vase; it __________ break easily.
  8. __________ I suggest an alternative solution?
  9. Even though it’s late, they __________ still be awake.
  10. __________ I have a second helping of dessert?

Complete as frases abaixo usando “shall”.

  1. __________ we go for a walk in the park?
  2. If you have any questions, __________ I assist you?
  3. __________ we start the meeting now or wait for everyone to arrive?
  4. __________ we meet at the café at noon?
  5. __________ I open the window to let in some fresh air?
  6. __________ I turn off the lights before leaving?
  7. __________ we invite her to the party next week?
  8. __________ I bring anything to the potluck dinner?
  9. __________ we call a taxi to get to the airport?
  10. __________ I help you with your bags

Complete as frases abaixo usando “ought to”.

  1. You look tired. You __________ get some rest.
  2. I haven’t seen my friend in a while. I __________ call him soon.
  3. She’s always late for meetings. She __________ be more punctual.
  4. If you want to stay healthy, you __________ exercise regularly.
  5. The car is making strange noises. You __________ take it to the mechanic.
  6. He has a big test tomorrow. He __________ study tonight.
  7. It’s a formal event. You __________ wear a suit and tie.
  8. Children __________ always respect their parents.
  9. If it rains, we __________ bring umbrellas.
  10. You __________ apologize for what you said earlier.

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Artigo escrito por: Teacher Talita


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