Atividade de Inglês do 6 ano. Material para estudar e compartilhar.

atividade de inglês 6 ano

Atividade de inglês do 6 ano

Bem-vindos, alunos do 6º ano e Professores (podem usar o material)
Hoje, embarcaremos em uma jornada emocionante pelo mundo do com atividade de inglês, explorando atividade de inglês dinâmicas e desafiadoras para aprimorar nossas habilidades linguísticas. Nossa aventura de aprendizado nos levará por jogos divertidos, leitura envolvente, escrita criativa e exploração cultural. Preparem-se para mergulhar em atividade de inglês que tornarão o inglês mais acessível e estimulante.

Estamos prontos para começar! Happy learning! 🌟📚

Exercicio 1 de atividade de inglês para o 6 ano.

Complete as frases

  1. She usually__________ (to read) books in the evening.
  2. They always__________ (to play) games on weekends.
  3. I never__________ (to forget) my lunch at home.
  4. He __________ (to watch) cartoons on Saturday mornings.
  5. We ____________ (to visit) our grandparents every month.
  6. The cat ____________ (to sleep) on the windowsill every day.
  7. Maria and her friends __________ (to dance) at the school party.
  8. My mom __________ (to cook) delicious meals for us.
  9. The sun __________ (to rise) in the east every morning.
  10. John and Sarah __________ (to swim) in the pool after school.
  11. The birds __________ (to sing) in the trees during spring.
  12. I __________ (to like) to play the guitar in my free time.
  13. They usually __________ (to eat) dinner at 7 o’clock.
  14. She __________ (to walk) to school with her friends.
  15. We __________ (to visit) the museum next week.
  16. The students __________ (to study) for the exam right now.
  17. My sister __________ (to play) the piano beautifully.
  18. It __________ (to rain) a lot in the rainy season.
  19. The dog __________ (to bark) loudly when someone knocks.
  20. I __________ (to help) my mom with the chores on weekends.
  21. The train __________ (to arrive) at the station on time.
  22. Elephants __________ (to have) long trunks.
  23. She __________ (to speak) three languages fluently.
  24. The clock __________ (to tick) loudly in the quiet room.
  25. We __________ (to celebrate) birthdays with a party.
  26. The children __________ (to play) hide and seek in the garden.
  27. My dad __________ (to drive) us to school every morning.
  28. The flowers __________ (to bloom) in the spring.
  29. They __________ (to clean) their rooms on Saturdays.
  30. I __________ (to like) to draw pictures in my notebook.

Exercicio 2 de atividade de inglês para o 6 ano.

Leitura e Compreensão de Texto

Leia o seguinte texto e responda às perguntas:

“My name is Emily. I have a pet rabbit named Whiskers. Whiskers is a fluffy, white bunny. Every morning, I feed him carrots and lettuce. In the afternoon, we play in the backyard. Whiskers loves to hop around and explore. He’s the cutest little bunny, and I love spending time with him.”


  1. Qual é o nome da pessoa que escreveu o texto?
  2. Qual é o nome do coelho de Emily?
  3. Que alimentos Emily dá para Whiskers de manhã?
  4. O que Emily e Whiskers fazem à tarde?
  5. Como Emily descreve Whiskers?

Exercicio 3 de atividade de inglês para o 6 ano.

Completar as Frases com Verbos no Presente Simples.

Complete as seguintes frases com a forma correta dos verbos no presente simples:

  1. I ……………….. (to play) video games on Sundays.
  2. She ………………. (to practice) piano every day.
  3. They……………….. (to swim) in the pool during the summer.
  4. The cat ……………….. (to chase) mice in the garden.
  5. We ……………….. (to study) English after school.
  6. My grandparents ……………….. (to tell) interesting stories.
  7. He ……………….. (to ride) his bike to school.
  8. The flowers ……………….. (to bloom) in the spring.
  9. We ……………….. (to take) a family trip every year.
  10. My little brother ……………….. (to cry) when he’s tired.
  11. The dog ……………….. (to bark) at strangers.
  12. She ……………….. (to dance) in the ballet class.
  13. I ……………….. (to draw) pictures in my free time.
  14. We ……………….. (to play) board games on rainy days.
  15. My dad ……………….. (to fix) things around the house.
  16. The students ……………….. (to learn) new words every week.
  17. It ……………….. (to snow) in the winter.
  18. The clock ……………….. (to tick) loudly in the quiet room.
  19. My sister ……………….. (to play) the guitar beautifully.
  20. They ……………….. (to visit) the museum next month.
  21. The baby ……………….. (to laugh) when tickled.
  22. We ……………….. (to go) to the beach in the summer.
  23. My friends and I ……………….. (to have) a picnic on weekends.
  24. The teacher ……………….. (to explain) the lesson carefully.
  25. He ……………….. (to prefer) chocolate over vanilla.
  26. The computer ……………….. (to work) perfectly.
  27. They ……………….. (to watch) movies on Friday nights.
  28. I ……………….. (to speak) English and French.
  29. She ……………….. (to play) soccer with enthusiasm.
  30. My grandparents ……………….. (to share) wisdom and stories.

Espero que estas atividade de inglês tenham sido uma maneira empolgante de explorar e praticar o inglês. Lembre-se, a prática constante é a chave para a fluência. Utilize este material como uma ferramenta divertida e desafiadora para aprimorar suas habilidades linguísticas.

Compartilhe-as com amigos, colegas e familiares, incentivando todos a mergulhar no mundo fascinante da língua inglesa. Juntos, podemos transformar o aprendizado em uma jornada envolvente e colaborativa.

Happy learning! 🌟📚

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Artigo escrito por: Teacher Talita


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